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About This Award-Winning Website

The NCWetlands.org scientist team: Amanda Mueller (L), Kristie Gianopulos (C), and Greg Rubino (R). (Amanda Mueller and Greg Rubino are no longer with the Division of Water Resources.)

In late 2019, we were honored to receive the Dan Wilkinson WRAL Conservation Communication Award from the Wake County Soil and Water Conservation District for our work on this website.


This award-winning website was developed by a small group of wetland scientists working for the North Carolina Division of Water Resources who are dedicated to learning more about the wetlands in North Carolina, sharing that information, and working to protect against and restore wetland loss. The team consisted of wetland ecologists (Kristie Gianopulos, Amanda Mueller) and a geologist/soil scientist (Greg Rubino). We also hired an environmental educator (Lacey Frownfelter) and graphic designer (Sam Cox) to help with this project. Additional input was sought, when needed, from experts within the NC Department of Environmental Quality, NC Department of Public Instruction, NC Department of Cultural and Natural Resources, and others.


We strive to provide excellent information centered on North Carolina’s wetlands, presented in a compelling way. This website contains information about what North Carolina’s wetlands look like, North Carolina’s publicly accessible wetlands, past and ongoing research by the NC Division of Water Resources on North Carolina’s wetlands, laws governing North Carolina’s wetlands, and ways everyone can help wetlands. The website aims to be an excellent useful resource of accurate, understandable, and interesting information concerning North Carolina wetlands.


This website was developed primarily during 2018 and 2019.


Information in this website is focused on the wetlands of North Carolina located in all parts of the state, from the mountains to the coast. It is hosted by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources and located at www.ncwetlands.org. This website can be cited as: NC Division of Water Resources. 2018-2024. North Carolina Wetlands Information. https://www.ncwetlands.org. Published by the North Carolina Division of Water Resources, Water Sciences Section.


Because North Carolina’s wetlands are awesome and everyone needs to know about them!


This project was funded from 2016 to 2019 by EPA Region IV Wetland Program Development Grant Cooperative Agreement CD00D51216.

For website or general NC Wetlands questions, you may contact:

Steve Anderson, Environmental Specialist, NC Division of Water Resources

Email: Steve.Anderson (at) deq.nc.gov

Tammy L. Hill, Ecosystems Branch Supervisor, NC Division of Water Resources

Email: Tammy.L.Hill (at) deq.nc.gov


To request a wetland plant guide, you may contact:
Kristie Gianopulos, Environmental Senior Specialist, NC Division of Water Resources

Email: Kristie.Gianopulos (at) deq.nc.gov